The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Everyone experiences loss and grief in life. We believe that, in these moments, everyone deserves support and understanding. Many find comfort and relief having a dedicated time for reflection, exploring Jewish perspectives on mourning, and talking with others who “get it.”

We do not have another Bereavement Spiritual Support Group scheduled.


Elderly white woman wipes the tears behind her glasses

Grief is not a pathology. It is a normal response to loss. Typical grief responses include loss of focus; sleep challenges; and a range of physical, emotional and spiritual reactions. Grief naturally stimulates spiritual reflections, including about the afterlife, on-going relationship to the person who died, considerations of a broader world view and changing identity, loss of concrete faith, questioning God, or shifting assumptions about the nature of life.

What happens in groups?

  • Mourners connect with one another and share personal stories
  • Readings on grief and healing are shared and reflected on
  • Discussions are led around common themes and different grief experiences
  • Rituals and resources for coping and spiritual and emotional support are explored
  • Sessions are guided by a Bay Area Jewish Healing Center Rabbi or specially trained facilitator

What kinds of groups have you offered?

  • Groups are ‘mixed loss’—often groups include a variety of relationships (death of a parent, spouse/partner, child) and causes of death
  • Typical size is 6-8 participants
  • Most of our groups meet weekly for about two months in a row.
  • Individuals sign up for the series, and the same participants are with each other week-to-week for the duration
  • Most participants have been in mourning for a number of months, or up to years
  • Content is informed by psychological and Jewish perspectives on mourning
  • No one is excluded based on religious affiliation (or non-affiliation), economic status, race, or gender identity