The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Torah Reflections™ are short commentaries and reflection prompts, based on the Hebrew scriptural reading cycle and themes from the Jewish holidays. These wide-ranging pieces are written by people immersed in the worlds of illness and healing. Torah Reflections™ are available below.

Reflections for the Book of Genesis

Reflections for the
Book of Exodus

Reflections for the
Book of Leviticus

*These Torah portions are read the latter week in Diaspora communities that celebrate the 8th Day of Passover

Reflections for the
Book of Numbers

*These Torah portions are read the latter week in Diaspora communities that celebrate the 8th Day of Passover

Reflections for the
Book of Deuteronomy

Calendar of Holidays and special Torah readings

Ways to Get in Touch

Torah Reflections are written for, and made available to, everyone. Let us know what’s useful about these resources, or share your feedback and suggestions. We’d love to hear from you.

  • If you serve in a setting where you would like to make Torah Reflections™ available to a larger audience via a web link, e-mail list, or print distribution, please contact us about tailored or collaborative distribution
  • Click here for other resources addressing illness and grief at holiday times
  • Click here for other useful resources and organizations related to Jewish spirituality, health and healing