The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

If you are seeking advice, consultation, or support in your efforts to serve your community or individual Jewish clients facing illness or loss, the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center rabbis are here for you.

We offer consultation across many disciplines:

  • Congregational rabbis, cantors, educators, administrators
  • Synagogue Caring Committee members, bikkur cholim and chevra kadisha volunteers
  • Hospital chaplains, Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) students, physicians, nurses, social workers, dieticians
  • Hospice providers
  • Long-term care administrators, social service and activity coordinators
  • Therapists and psychologists
  • Professionals involved in some aspect of grief care
  • Body and energy workers

Areas of expertise and educational offerings:

  • Nuances of Jewish spiritual care
  • Spiritual concerns at the end-of-life
  • Spiritual concerns regarding mental illness
  • Adapting religious and spiritual practices to healthcare settings
  • Integration of spirituality and culturally-appropriate services in healthcare settings
  • Jewish programming, visibility, and support in non-denominational and multi-faith settings
  • Understanding diversity in the Jewish community
  • Griefcare
  • Spiritual assessment
  • Supporting volunteers and professionals who confront serious illness and mortality
  • Organization and nurturance of Caring Communities

We also offer specialized workshops, trainings, support materials, and networking opportunities for professionals.

  • Our rabbis regularly offer individual consultations for professionals serving in hospitals, synagogues, long term care facilities, psychiatric and behavioral health units, hospices, and other facilities throughout our service area (Sonoma, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and northern Santa Clara counties).
  • You can consult with us over the phone or in person, in our San Francisco-based office or in your synagogue, agency or facility.
  • You, the community professional, care provider or administrator, need not be Jewish to access our services and support.

Each of our rabbis has extensive, specialized experience in hospital and community chaplaincy and spiritual care, in Jewish, secular, and interfaith work, and in interdisciplinary professional collaborations, particularly in the issues around physical and mental illness, end-of-life and palliative care, loss and healing.

If you would like to connect with one of our rabbis, please call: (415)750-4197, or email: