The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Everyone deserves the opportunity and support to reflect on the loss of someone significant in their lives who has died. Grief and Growing™ is a clinically-based, Jewish healing program uniquely designed to help individuals and families attend to their losses in community, and gain the tools they need in their mourning.

We do not have another Grief and Growing program scheduled.

Rabbi Natan Fenner shares a quiet moment, and one of many helpful tools from Grief and Growing™

Debby Graudenz, LMFT introduces the Redwoods program

Songleaders Jonathan Ferris and Kiki Lipsett offer comforting music from the Grief and Growing™ playlist

Mary Tarbell-Green offers a clinical perspective on Grief and Growing™

Mary Hirsch, MFT, ATR-BC talks about creativity in grief

Mark Haviland, CMT shares a simple self-care tool for settling the emotions we can carry in our bodies in grief

James Girard, CMT addresses the tightness of breath that can come with grief

Ama Greenrose Manasse, CMT, SEP shares a self-care tool for moments of emotional overwhelm

Footsteps in the sand

Grief and Growing™ is for you…

if you would find comfort being:

  • among other bereaved individuals or families
  • supported by a holistic professional staff of griefcare specialists
  • in a program dedicated to grief and healing

We are in tender times. Many of us have found ourselves in mourning. Grief is compounded by the ways in which funerals, memorial services and shivas have had to be conducted in isolation. We – the co-directors of Grief and Growing™ – remain committed to our 25-year dedication to the mitzvah of comforting the mourner with traditional, creative, spiritual and professional resources.

Grief doesn’t end; it can change. This spiritually-grounded, psycho-educational program can help you create your own ‘toolbox’ for coping with your grief, that you can carry with you throughout your life.
Grief & Growing™ Directors

Many participants find that taking the dedicated time to focus on their grief buoys them as they return to their daily schedule. This program is the only one of its kind in the Jewish community for individuals and families.

We welcome the diversity of the community, including families of all kinds, all gender identities, all sexual orientations, ages, classes, races and cultural affinities.