The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center offers a variety of educational and opportunities on illness, death, and bereavement for congregations, hospital staff, residential facilities, hospices, and other agencies.

We are dedicated to building the capacity of the community to care. One way we support these efforts is in the realm of training and other educational opportunities. Our work includes articulating the differences between a spiritual and psychological approach, the differences between religion and spirituality, and the ways in which our culture can attend to the spiritual in our lives. We consider spiritual care as a crucial element in our human capacity that takes its place alongside psychological, physical, intellectual, and theological insights.

We are happy to talk with you about specific educational needs that your community has and how we can help you with workshops and other curricular considerations.

Our offerings include:

  • In-services on grief and grief care
  • Kol Haneshama: Jewish End-of-Life Care Volunteer Training and Program
  • Training for congregational caring committees
  • Shivah Lab: training on how to conduct shivah minyans
  • Principles of spiritual care, deeper listening, presence, accompanying and response
  • Jewish death and mourning practices and beliefs
  • Spirituality: defining and implementing
  • Jewish medical ethics
  • Spiritual care for those living with mental illness
  • How to serve the needs of Jewish patients and residents in hospital, hospice, residential facilities, and other locations
  • Integrating spiritual care into medical and/or social/psychological models
  • Strategic thinking in the formation and implementation of spiritual care frameworks for organizations
  • Consultation on conducting a funeral or unveiling
  • Interfaith presentations
The ideas and the ways in which the rabbis presented them during our training have had a lovely, long-lasting effect. Our volunteers, and ultimately the children and teens we serve, have greatly benefited from their wisdom.
Bay Area Jewish Healing Centercommunity partner