The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Shabbat provides a pause from the week—a chance to reflect, be joyous, and take comfort in traditions.

For many older residents who may have once had active Jewish lives, or who simply enjoy being together in Jewish community, the rabbis of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center lead Shabbat services at senior residential facilities with significant Jewish populations (throughout the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation region).

Our services are customized to the needs of the residents and provide an opportunity for Shabbat prayer, as well as a chance to build community and connection. Services tend to be 45 minutes to an hour in length, and are usually held during the latter part of a Friday afternoon. For residential or other sites with a smaller Jewish population, we can provide a trained volunteer to lead a Shabbat observance.

Please contact Rabbi Jon Sommer to learn more at (415) 750-4198 or

Shabbat challah and candlesticks on table