The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Your gift to the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center goes toward supporting grieving families, individuals, and communities so that no one has to grieve alone. Donors may choose to have their gift go wherever it is most needed, or toward a particular fund they wish to support.

Supporting the Healing Center

Grace Brown Fund

The Grace Brown Fund is for doing what matters in life. These funds will be used where most needed to support the spiritual work of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center. This fund was established by Dr. Bonnie Bernell and her partner Gary Embler. “Creating this Fund is profoundly meaningful to me. We have been more than fortunate in this life. Grace Brown was the woman who loved me and taught me what matters in life. She died in 1973. I miss her.”

Sarah Bendiner Fenner Fund

The Sarah Bendiner Fenner Fund supports children and families living with illness (including professional training and consultation). Learn more.

Robert T Mendle MD Fund

The Robert T Mendle MD Fund was established to support special projects of the Healing Center.

Samele Samuel Fund

The Samele Samuel Fund for Spiritual Care focuses on providing support to those who are ill and to their families.


These general funds provide the greatest flexibility, ensuring the Healing Center’s ability to meet the most urgent community demands for services each year.