The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.
The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.
Dear Friends,
Thank you for having RSVP’d for the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center’s evening of “Healing, Humor and Hope.” For those of you who were able to participate we hope the experience was meaningful, inspiring and fun! For those who may have missed the program, it will be posted on the Healing Center website toward the end of the week.
A Special Mazel Tov to our Honorees, and thank you again to the event planning committee, the host committee, Dr. BJ Miller, Evan Wolkenstein, story & joke tellers and all of the event sponsors:
Moldaw Family
Cathy Dobbs Goldstein and Phil Goldstein
John Pritzker Family Fund
Nancy Boughey
Mary De May, M.D.
Sara and Gregg Rubenstein
Donna and Stephen Dobrow
Julie and David Levine
Amy and Jonathan Seff
Deborah and Larry Stadtner
Michelle and Keith Tandowsky
Linda and Steven Monosson
Barbara Hood and Larry Cook
Dr. Ingrid Tauber and Frank Taforo
Varda Rabin
Betsy and Joel Hausman
Anne Bakar and Yossi Zadik
Regina DeAngelis
Barbara Bakar
Lisa S. Pritzker
Leah and Benjamin Bloom
Robbie Cohn
Laura Century and Lee Unkrich
Rabbis Sheldon and Janet Marder
Lenore and Charles Bleadon
Daniela Kleiman and Pablo Buki
Rose and Chris Barlow
Dick Seff
Kate and Peter Fenner
Gail Stern
Marci and Marc Dollinger
Michael and Joan Fox
Ellen and Barry Finestone
Susie and Joel Cohen
Anne Germanacos
Michael Bien
Sandy and Esther Stadtler
Congregation Rodef Sholom
Congregration Emanu-El
Jerilyn Gelt
Yvonne and Gary Goddard
Barry Goode
Gittel and Nachman Goodman
Daryl Messinger and James Heeger
Hollingsworth Family
Fred Isaac and Robin Reiner
Linda and Thomas Kalinowski
Connie Levi and Alan Robin
Julie Mayer
Jamie and Mark Myers
Jan Reicher
Jennifer and Scott Rodrick
Ilana and Neal Tandowsky
Marilyn Zimmerman and Robert Mickel
Kory and Linda Zipperstein
Roberta and Murray Zucker
If you did not have an opportunity and would like to make a donation, please click below.
Donate Here
Thank you to each of you for supporting the work of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center and the community we serve.
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