The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center rabbis are here to provide individual grief support. We offer meetings at our offices, over the phone, or at the client’s location, which may include a hospital, nursing home, or private residence within our geographic area.

One-on-One Spiritual Support

Man and woman sitting, looking out at the waterJewish Spiritual Care, which is associated with pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, and chaplaincy, is a form of support which combines spiritual assessment, Jewish values, and rabbinical presence.  Healing of spirit is our goal for those whose life circumstances may have displaced the usual sense of being and meaning, or are confronting physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges. Those who suffer from mental illness or cognitive decline can also find healing and comfort through a pastoral presence.

To set up an appointment with one of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center Rabbis, please call ( 415)750-4197, or email:

There is no charge for our individual counseling services.  Donations are gratefully accepted.

Never have I met such compassionate, astute, and subtle listeners as the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center rabbis. I am always amazed at how they can hear what a person isn’t saying—all of the fears and anxieties that lurk beneath the surface.
Healing Center Client