The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

From its beginnings, the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has provided support for the kind of grief that comes from infertility, pregnancy, and neonatal loss.

While grief itself is universal, some kinds of losses, in our cultural context, remain more silent than others. For example, there is a difference between what our community might understand as the normative grief experience when a parent or spouse dies, and yet we may struggle when loss comes from a pregnancy or neonatal loss. Infertility, all the more so, can be a loss for which it is challenging to gain support from the world around us.

We have noticed over the course of time that these losses have slowly moved from the privacy of conversation, to a broader communal conversation.

While the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has many ways in which it strives to provide direct service and also build the capacity of the community, we recognize the complexity of this unique experience. The following specific resources are just an example of the kind of spiritual need resources we can provide to those who experience the grief that comes from infertility, pregnancy or neonatal loss.

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With our commitment to the building of capacity, within our beloved community,  to engage this important kind of grief, we are a founding partner of the Memory Garden Project (*) and encourage the community’s support in its efforts.

(*) The Memory Garden Project is a collaboration of Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, Sinai Memorial Chapel,  and JFCS. The Memory Garden is inspired by the leadership of Abby Porth and Debbie Findling.