The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has closed. Please reach out to your local Board of Rabbis or synagogue for resources that can help you.

Healing Center to close June 30, 2022

Founded in 1991 as the nation’s first institution of its kind, the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center has served thousands of individuals and families and defined the landscape of Jewish healing and spiritual care. For over 30 years, the organization has remained dedicated to providing Jewish spiritual care to those living with illness, those who care for them, and to the bereaved through direct service, education and training.

While BAJHC has been blessed with generous donors, we have struggled with persistent fluctuations in financial support, leaving us unable to sustain our programs and services at acceptable levels. Our board, rabbis and staff, with the aid of outside consultants, spent the past year analyzing various ways we could adjust our business model or combine with community partners. After careful consideration, and with deep sadness, the board has made the decision to close our agency on June 30, 2022.

We recognize this decision has ramifications for our community. We hope that the legacy of care that BAJHC has created continues through the caregivers, clergy and agencies with whom we have partnered.

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